Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And so it begins....

I remember very early in my childhood my mother taking my sister and I to the local library.  My mother was young and we were poor.  Living on food stamps but my mother made the most of it.  You see you can get books from a library for free and at five years old my dearest memories involve my mother and her love of reading. 

Mom would take us once a week to pick up a book or two for my sister and I.  She herself would pick out 4 or more books, I am not sure if they had a limit or not.  Either way my mother would always finish her books and go get more before the week was up.  

She told me as I grew older that reading was a way to escape from one's life if only in your mind.  But that was all I needed.  A book could take me anywhere and more often than not, it made lift bearable when the bullies were around, when I felt alone in the world or when I just wanted a smile.  I still have my favorites and everyday I am adding to the collection.

What are your favorites?  Why are they your favorites?  Do you read first time Authors or wait for the reviews? Have you tried your hand at writing and do you fine it easy or hard?  Questions.... 

I will try to find ways to get my love of books old and new across to you my readers.  My favorites and why they are my favorites.  I will quote from books that have spoke to my heart.  Most of all I will try to help you find books that may touch your heart as well.

Last thought for the night, I am sure my mother helped me to find the normal books for my age. But I know for sure the first grown up adult book I got from the library was "The Plague Dogs".  I remember my mother checked it out for herself and I remember her telling me that when I was older that I would be allowed to check it out too but for now I was too young.  It was worth the wait... I loved it and I still love reading.  


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