Friday, October 12, 2012

Why I love books

Interestingly enough I love technology, just not for books and reading.  Yes I have a "reader" of sorts, but I use it for connecting to the internet at my mother's house vice reading books.  I have something like 5 maybe 6 books on it so I can read if I want.  But mostly it is for playing games/on the net/Facebooking.  Is that even a word? No but that is what some of us do.

Why do I not need read books on my reader?  Well that is an involved answer but it can be summed up by, I love the way books feel in my hands, I love the weight of them, I love the smell of them.  The older the book the more history it has.  Yes some of you are freaking out because you are thinking of germs or something.... stop screwing up my fantasy.  LOL you know you did it.

I recently read a book, "A Discovery of Witches" that sums up my thoughts exactly.

     "The smell of the library always lifted my spirits - that peculiar 
     combination of olde stone, dust, woodworm, and paper made
     properly from rags.  Sun streamed through the windows in the
     staircase landings, illuminating the dust motes flying through
     the air and shining bars or light on the ancient walls."

I love the entire act of going to the library hell even a bookstore to find a good read.  The library is more fun - why - because it is free!  But a bookstore is still good fun when there is spending money.

The above quote sums it up well for me..... comfort in light and smells.  Of a time when life was simple for me and a book picked me up and waltzed me through its covers to another life, another time and let me think of a better place.

On a side note, A Discovery of Witches will transport you the England as well as other places.  I highly suggest it for a fun cold weekend read. 

What book(s) transport you?

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